Monday, August 23, 2010


okay so I'm a little sad because I couldn't get my computer to connect to the internet yesterday here at Oneonta, but I finally got it working this morning.  I'm sad because yesterday was a very special day.  Yesterday was not only the day that I moved to Oneonta, but it was also the 1 year anniversary of my blog!!  So I was planning on posting this image:
But now its a little belated, but I still think its cool that I've had my blog for a year now.  So 1 year, 2449 views (in the last few months because I added that app late. . .I think I've had it since like May)  and 222 posts :) I think its been a pretty good year, a lot of interesting turns my life has taken since the start of my blog lol and I'm sure the next year will be the same and you will be right here with me to experience it. 

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