Wednesday, September 22, 2010

College (some high roman numeral, I have no idea where we are anymore :P)

So today was ACTUALLY a really good day.  Dispite the fact that I've been sick the last few days, today was good.  I was tempted to just stay in bed and not go to classes today, but I pushed myself and in my first class we got to watch Into the Woods, which is one of my favorites.  The weather was really nice, so that felt good as well.  I went to dinner with Rob and Andrew, and although the food kinda sucked, I enjoyed the company as always.  Then Josh came over to get notes for the CLASS HE SKIPPED! and I ended up reading his tarot cards and his horoscope and harassing him for about 2 hours lol, and that was probably the most fun I've had sober since I've been here.  That put me in the gypsy mood so I texted Audrey to see if I could read her tarot cards and she made delicious cake.  Cake always puts a smile on peoples faces, and before I knew it, I was really feeling better. Maybe things are looking up?

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